World of X

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Letter out of the Starlight

von File DAM


Can you imagine,

that the light is millions of years old, when you see it?

It could take you and all of the world straight from past into future.

It could show you things,

which are already dead.


There are souls, travelin’ through the time as starlight,

lookin’ for homes.

Yeah, I can say with calm conscience,

that I had found my home already when I began my journey a long time ago.

And this home is you.

You sat down in the grass, closed your eyes and unlocked your heart,

picked up a little star – only for yourself.

You looked for an special star,

you reached up to get the eternity,

and you found me:

Travelin’ and lookin’ for a home.

Or did you search for ME?

I can’t remember clearly the day I left,

you and the desolate world- straight above the horizon

and the circumstances when I did this- White light- loud cries…

But I can remember YOU!

The days we had on earth, before I had to go…

Before the cold angel of dead had called me out.

At the beginning,

I tried to escape

until I understood that my body, my heart, thoughts and feelings,

were banished in the starlight.

Time can heal almost all hurts.

Here at this place, time isn’t important.

I can really imagine

that the wound my leaving has torn,

Is deeper than times or words can help you.

Maybe you searched for comfort and an answer in the sky of silence,

but then you sat down in the dust of sadness, closed your eyes-

Stopped the rotation of your thoughts- and finally opened the door to your heart.

You looked up- man- my brother-

You found your answer, your comfort.

You comprehend that there are souls,, tarvelin’ through the time as starlight,

lookin’ for a home- every moment.

You reached up for a special star,

searched for the sky- for the end of a never-ending story…

But you found me.

And I will wait here for you,

HERE in the starlight until the day,

we will meet again.